2024-01-01 long-tailed and other tits flit around the pollards across the road. 2024-01-02 in the dreich rain & drizzle: gorse flowers bright yellow. 2024-01-03 Victoria park the first snowdrop blades, a couple of wee flowers in a nearby garden. 2024-01-04 from the railway bridge. A pair of bullfinches bright in the late afternoon sun. 2024-01-05 3 or 4 blue tits flickering around the top of the rowan outside the close. Sunny. I am waiting for the fish van. 2024-01-06 Barassie beach, windless and cloudless. Nice groups of reed buntings. Dead triggerfish(?) on the sand. 2024-01-07 Ardinning frosted, still & cold. Loch froze. Almost silent. Little sign of life. 2024-01-08 nothing noted 2024-01-09 sunset orange this evening. 2024-01-10 maybe a sparrow hawk on a telephone wire 2024-01-11 in the morning dark the bright yellow beak of a blackbird 2024-01-12 field beside the M8, roe deer spread out in the early dusk. 2024-01-13 walk to Greenside. Jackdaw, magpies, crows & raven. Robin, dunnock, wren and a pair of bullfinch 2024-01-14 coal tit in the forsythia outside the close. 2024-01-15 clear cold sky, starlings in the tree tops whistling. 2024-01-16 nothing noted 2024-01-17 a cloud of seeds from the bird feeder, one jackdaw helps its pals. 2024-01-18 minus seven, the fox crossing the slip road is well puffed up. 2024-01-19 scraping frozen snow from my windshield, a mouse dashes across the road and under another car. 2024-01-20 the coots seem quite at home on the ice. 2024-01-21 pouring rain at the train station. Robins sing clearly. 2024-01-22 storm Isha blowing. Above the motorway verge a buzzard holds position. 2024-01-23 it poured. Jackdaws, crows, rooks and starlings feeding on scraps in the playground rain. 2024-01-24 nothing noted 2024-01-25 dark morning, more rain, several blackbirds sing. The wolf moon shows for a moment through the mirk. 2024-01-26 near the road geese in a puddled field. 2024-01-27 walk to Greenside, water sound all around, burns, ditches and puddles. 2024-01-28 Ardinning watching a goldeneye display, head back beak skywards. Nearest female about 100 metres away so practice maybe. 2024-01-29 afternoon commute, left early but is is lighter, lovey pearly red sky. 2024-01-30 driving into a clear pre-dawn sky, a loverly blue. The winter trees are pin sharp 2024-01-31 January ends with high winds 2024-02-01 Dorothy tells me the crocus are out on Clarence Drive. 2024-02-02 in the dark bin lane I think there are magnolia buds 2024-02-03 blackbird washing enthusiastically in a rain filled pot. Later ravens croaking over the pipe track. 2024-02-04 Canada Geese on Victoria Park pond. 2024-02-05 before dawn the winds brought down a tree angling into the road. 2024-02-06 nothing noted 2024-02-07 pre dawn, clear sky, the blackbirds song and tenement scaffolding all pin sharp. Roadkill 1 fox 1 rabbit. 2024-02-08 a starling is attacking another in the playground. A ball of fight. After a mo they separate and go back to feeding. 2024-02-09 no note 2024-02-10 on the way to the fishmonger: blue tits, dunnock, blackbirds, magpies, pigeons and a bullfinch 2024-02-11 Duncolm, mist and bog. A snipe put up. Grouse calling, a redpoll singing near loch Humphrey. 2024-02-12 Loch Ard. Watching a coal tit flitting around broom. 2 ravens croak above. 2024-02-13 p2024-03-01 Glen Finlas sun, hail & snow. A pair of eagles around all day. 2024-02-14 bin lane among the sparrows a goldfinch singing. 2024-02-15 the bird food in the playground is ignored. Then I see a buzzard leave from the ash tree. Crows, starlings and jackdaws arrive. 2024-02-16 arriving & leaving school I notice how much the sparrows cheer me up. 2024-02-17 rainy day walking around locally I am getting better on knowing where to see goldfinches by listening. 2024-02-18 beside the pipe track 2 cock pheasant have a wee fight 2024-02-19 quite light going to work quite a few geese and roe. 2024-09-20 The morning blackbird seems to be singing a more complex tune 2024-09-21 Crocus are well out in the school garden 2024-02-22 no note 2024-02-23 Victoria Park around sundown, full moon, moorhen and coot have claimed the lawns, a heron asleep on a perch on the pond. 2024-02-24 Across the Loch Humphrey Burn a fox mooches around the gorse 2024-02-25 on the way to the coop. A dunock singing in the bin lane, high over Marlbourgh crescent a sparrow hawk 2024-02-26 bright morning big group of geese over my commute. Keeping up with the car at about 30 mph 2024-02-27 no note 2024-02-28 or much today either. 2024-02-29 about 8:30 2 minutes in the playground: robin, starling, jackdaw, dunnock, house sparrow, great tit, wood pigeon and according to Merlin a greenfinch 2024-03-01 morning, a thrush high in a bare lime tree across from the close, a clear frosty morning. 2024-03-02 Ardinning, goosander, mallard, golden eye, dabchick & teal. First time I've had a clear view of the teal, across the narrows part of the lock, in a muddy inlet. Might have heard a woodpecker, Dorothy heard larks. A wee group of roe avoiding the dogs. 2024-03-03 along the kelvin, lot of birds including: dippers, quite a few parakeets, someone put up a feeder, redwing, and a pair of jays. 2024-03-04 roadkill first hedgehog of the year. 2024-03-05 blackthorn blossoms in Kirkintilloch 2024-03-06 more blackthorn alone the road, fields of grazing geese, a roadkill rabbit. 2024-03-07 I've got my eye in, a distant roe 3 fields off as I turn the car. 2024-03-08 leaving school this afternoon. A bitter wind. Two crows swooping and dodging. 2024-03-09 feeling wintry again. 2024-03-10 Helensburgh shore, oystercatchers wait for the tide to turn. Later a pair of mergansers come along. 2024-03-11 sometimes it is only a bit of bird song between car and door. 2024-03-12 magnolia in bin lane, buds growing pink. 2024-03-13 steady rain, dull. A wood pigeon picks around the playground grass pink & white bright. Later curving onto the motorway I saw 2 red kites jinking around. 2024-03-14 rain, rain, rain 2024-03-15 2024-03-16 As we got to the top of the hill a golden eagle came from behind it at about our height. It soared, folded its wings and dived. Another appeared and they crossed the glen soaring and diving all the way. To entranced to lift my camera. 2024-03-17 I wonder if in the future they will be called tenement gulls. 2024-03-18 a road kill roe stretched into the bend. Later 3-4 buzzards over the fields near the school. 2024-03-19 mums lawn. Celandine & scurvy grass. Still light at 6:30 2024-03-20 rain 2024-03-21 windy evening in the park. New willow leaves waving wildly. Jackdaw too. 2024-03-22 Flock of geese beside the road to and from work, same spot. 2024-03-23 Kilpatrick, first hawthorn leaves, just and no more. Blackthorn buds, they seem later here. Buzzard, larks, raven, grouse, goldfinch. First primrose, Lesser Celandine, Golden Saxifrage. Trees on the moor still bare 2024-03-24 Ardinning, lovely bright morning, larks so high we couldn't see them, ravens even higher. 2024-03-25 magnolia in the bin lane at its best now. 2024-03-26 cold wind, a dust of snow on the Campsies. 2024-03-27 geese in a hollow, a duck speeding overhead then curves down. Snow nearly down to school. High Banton fields white. 2024-03-28 March is still lion like, very dark & rainy 2024-03-29 Kilpatrick Muir, sunshine and heavy hail. Quite a few bees while the sun shone. A few grouse, primroses, watched a trio of stonechat. 2024-03-30 Dunocks singing from all the gardens 2024-03-31 Kelvin, Wood Anemone, mining and bumble bees. 2024-04-01 Kilpatrick , a green woodpecker in the trees 2024-04-02 first chiffchaff of the year for me, loads of goldfinch, Greenside. 2024-04-03 the crow on the bin shelter holds its nerve. 2024-04-04 Victoria Park morning walk, a nice wren looking at me, lots of wee birds around. 2024-04-05 sleet, 2 degrees, not a nice day from the weather pov. 2024-04-06 A coots nest on Victoria Park pond decorated with daffodils 2024-04-07 Garntnavel, a Peregrine falcon, not bothered by Storm Kathleen. Over Bigham pond the first swallow I've seen this year. 2024-04-08 Kilpatrick, green wood peckers calling. First butterflies of the year, two peacocks. 2024-04-09 curlew probing the soft fields. 2024-04-10 two wood pigeons plucking new growth on the hedge. 2024-04-11 green woodpecker calls again. A pair of buzzards tumble together, touching claws, courtship? 2024-04-12 Finlas hills, thick low cloud. Wee flowers lower down, higher up no new growth yet. A snipe, put up. A fox runs by through the cloud. 2024-04-13 Dorothy spotted a harlequin ladybird on top of a traffic bollard. 2024-04-14 no note. 2024-04-15 cherry blossoms in the playground well out. 2024-04-16 a rook bowing to another at the edge of a field 2024-04-17 my class find a surprising number of New Zealand flatworms in the playground 2024-04-18 no note. 2024-04-19 Dows Wood, listening to a woodpecker with the class. 2024-04-20 Ardinning, clear blue sky, goat willow catkins buzzing with bees 2024-04-21 the trees along the roads beginning to unfurl 2024-04-22 Broomhill blossom fully out 2024-04-23 a splash as a seal drops off its rock 2024-04-24 lunchtime in the woods with my class. A woodpecker hammering and flitting about. Chiffchaffs & Willow warblers too. 2024-04-25 a jackdaw with a broken wing avoided capture in the playground all day. 2024-04-26 first bluebells in woods near Banton. 2024-04-27 as I approached the cairn I noticed something on the other side, about 4-5 metres away, at first I didn't know what it was and then it turned its head, an eagle. Opened its wings and flew off. Incredible. 2024-04-28 greeenside, the first orange tip of the year. Cuckoos too, although I heard some the day before on Troisgeach. 2024-04-29 already the pick blossom is snowing, drifting across the road 2024-04-30 legs pink for herring gulls; yellow for lesser black-backed gulls, on the Helensburgh shore 2024-05-01 at last a blue tit is brave enough for the feeder stuck to our class window 2024-05-02 Victoria park late afternoon , a couple of herons and a dabchick 2024-05-03 2024-05-04 first hawthorn blossom. Gartnavel. Ardinning some ducklings. A few cuckoos. 2024-05-06 out for the Dawn chorus a helicopter circles. 2024-05-06 lots of orange tips on the path to Greenside. 2024-05-07 pink thrift along the sea wall 2024-05-08 a very young fox soft and grey: dead on the road. 2024-05-09 2024-05-10 sports day, sunny, whites and orange tips crossing the playground 2024-05-11 Along the Kelvin, lots of orange tips, some sweat bees, I wonder what they are? 2024-05-12 Ardinning, Orange Tips, Green Veined Whites and a Red Admiral. Cuckoo calling. The Trees are swelling green. 2024-05-13 young roe dead on the road. 2024-05-14 blackbirds sing in the almost warm early morning rain. 2024-05-15 lines of hawthorn blossoming 2024-05-16 vixen snuffling around a key garden. Looks as if she is feeding pups. 2024-05-17 2024-05-18 really warm day. 24. Walk to Greenside over Cochno hill. Lots of whites and orange tip butterflies not stopping to pose. 2024-05-19 Barassie beach, sand Martins zooming around their precarious nests. A few gannets diving. 2024-05-20 on the way back up crow road. Late evening. Watching a gull high in the blue sky then even higher above a bow shape cutting across. I wonder if it is a university peregrine. 2024-05-21 a peewit over my commute 2024-05-22 Banton burn, a minnow and some mayfly larva 2024-05-23 and rain 2024-05-24 2024-05-25 sunshine along the pipetrack, tons of orange tips, green veined whites and a few goldfinches 2024-05-26 after rain the blackbirds pop out to the eves and branches to sing. 2024-05-27 Victoria Park this morning, loads of wee ones, moorhen, coot and mallard youngsters. The areas of un mown grass are beautifully messy with buttercups and cow parsley. Afternoon at Jaw more young birds- swallows beside the dam 2024-05-28 hawthorn already faded and fading 2024-05-29 a large lesser black backed gull on my car roof this morning. Didn't move until I got in the car. Impressive calm. 2024-05-30 bug hunt in the playground today. Nice shiny wee green beetle. 2024-05-31 road kill, a hedgehog 2024-06-01 Walk to Greenside, lots of white butterflies, a few orange tips & some peacocks. A large red damselfly or two, first damselflies I've seen this year. Everything green. Cuckoos 2024-06-02 sand martins over Victoria Park pond. 2024-06-03 2024-06-04 cold wind on the estuary is it really June 2024-06-05 2024-06-06 along the verges the lack of mowing is producing lots of yellow and white. 2024-06-07 Listening to a blackcap, according to Merlin, spent a while scanning the trees and bushes, no sign. 2024-06-08 nothing but gulls high in the grey sky. 2024-06-09 first orchids of the year 2024-06-10 across the waste ground a rabbit stands high catching the sun. 2024-06-11 rabbit roadkill. 2024-06-12 Dow's wood the children's chatterings mix with birdsong, another blackcap. Lots of midges. 2024-06-13 a pupil sent me a red tailed bumblebee in teams. 2024-06-14 dark clouds full with rain, a small v of geese crossing. 2024-06-15 warm & close. At least three species of bumblebee on the way to the fish shop. Later heavy rain. 2024-06-16 a jay crossing the path ahead. Two cuckoos flew by. A rainy walk to Duncolm. 2024-06-17 2024-06-18 a wagtail trapped in the classroom, we encouraged it out the window. 2024-06-19 Looking inside the beehive in school. Amazing. 2024-06-20 Yorkshire fog and long buttercups, purple & yellow 2024-06-21 A giant house spider in the class today. 2024-06-22 Ardinning, first ringlet & a small heath. 2024-06-23 Kilpatrick, ringlets, meadow browns and a small pearl border fritillary. A lark has a dust bath on the track. 2024-06-24 a buzzard mobbed by crows near the on ramp. 2024-06-25 The wildflowers in the bee garden are beginning to blossom, a female common blue damselfly caught by a child. 2024-06-26 Dabchicks nesting in the park pond again. A common blue damselfly on the concrete side. 2024-06-27 exciting, Ardmore, quite windy, the north bay was quite sheltered. An osprey flying dived into the sea and came up blank. 2024-06-28 A dozen Meadow Browns, tens of dozens of Ringlets, ran rings around me, one small pearl border fritillary on Tormentil. 2024-06-29 walk to Greenside. Goldfinch & ringlets. A small lizard wriggled away. One small heath butterfly on thyme. 2024-06-30 By the Kelvin, stopping to watch a pair of bullfinches, a kingfisher flashed upstream. 2024-07-01 looking at forget me nots to see if they had been visited by bees. 2024-07-02 I think there is a rainbow of flowers round Bingham pond. 2024-07-03 a moorhen and very young chick at the edge of the pond. Dabchick still on the nest. 2024-07-04 a large, about a foot long and plump, black fish in the park pond. Maybe a carp? 2024-07-05 Beinn Bhreac & Ben Reoch Flora:, Bog Asphodel, Bog Myrtle, Bog Cotton, Tormentil , Fox gloves, Marsh orchid, Eye bright, Bedstraw, Milkwort, Bog heather, Bell heather, Saxifrage , Lousewort, Marsh thistle 2024-07-06 goldfinches singing from the rooftops this morning, common blue damselflies at Ardinning this afternoon. 2024-07-07 swifts among the swallows over the Kelvin. 2024-07-08 greenside, must have seen over a hundred ringlets. Dark Green and small pearl bordered fritillaries, common blues, meadow browns and a red admiral. 2024-07-09 2024-07-10 looking out the living room window, a sparrow hawk went over the crossroads and zagged into a garden. 2024-07-11 2024-07-12 Strangest sight was a meadow brown & a ringlet mating. Seemingly this is a thing. 2024-07-13 by the track coming down from Troisgeach and Meall an Fhudair a lizard suns on a small rock. 2024-07-14 brassie beach, in one wee spot 5 species of butterfly in a minute. 2024-07-15 2024-07-16 dead ivy spider webs the tenement wall. 2024-07-17 green-veined white on valarian flower. 2024-07-18 2024-07-19 Kilpatrick, muggy and breezy, strange weather. A fist spotted flycatcher for me. 2024-07-20 leaving the close a goldfinch above on the eves singing loudly. 2024-07-21 On the drier ground heather is now purple, tormentil & blaeberries. in the lower damp patches swathes of rose-bay willow herb, Meadow Sweet and valerian. 2024-07-22 several herons round the park pond 2024-07-23 walking to Greenside, the sun out, loads of goldfinches. Green-veined whites, ringlets, meadow browns, the odd fritillary and small heath. 2024-07-25 stonechat on a wire doing a feather shaking 'dance'. 2024-07-26 watching buff tailed and carder bees on the flower beds. 2024-07-27 ravens above cliffs black on very blue. 2024-07-28 following a green-veined white into the birch leaves it closes its wings and vanished. 2024-07-29 2024-07-30 Ardmore, an osprey & a couple of small egrets. 2024-07-31 Greenside a few butterflies including common blues 2024-08-01 Common Ringed Plover chicks on Barassie Beech, the parents seem to try and draw us off. 2024-08-02 Glen Mollochan, eyebright dot the grass. Low clouds and a strong breeze. Quite in every way. Some hazel nut beside the road, unripe. 2024-08-03 around 8 in the evening a sudden shower and a double rainbow over Crow Road. 2024-08-04 lots of bees in the park. I recognise the buff tailed and guess a carder. 2024-08-05 2024-08-06 rather malevolent gull chicks follow their parents begging. 2024-08-07 The Kelvin running high. 4 Gossander and a couple of humans fishing, a few trout rising. 2024-08-08 2024-08-09 2024-08-10 Pittenweem, the cracks filled with wildflowers 2024-08-11 2024-08-12 back in the playground. Wildflowers going to seed. A white butterfly crossing. 2024-08-13 young rabbit sitting up high on a cropped field. 2024-08-14 road kill morning, several rabbits and a fox, curled like asleep on the morning drive. Canada Geese on barley stubble. 2024-08-15 more roadkill a roe on the road made me swerve. 2024-08-16 2024-08-17 seeds and seed heads everywhere 2024-08-18 a comma at Ardinning, my first. 2024-08-19 heavy rain the blackbird a picture of attention. 2024-08-20 heavy rain, the Clyde carried lots of white horses. Oystercatchers at the edge 2024-08-21 Wood pigeons on the barely stubble, and lining the telephone wires around and across the field 2024-08-22 Flooded field has some mallard resting 2024-08-23 Watching birds in the playground, rooks stride like a comic